Fashion Part I

When I should have been doing other things, I lingered over the 2014 weekly planner I used for my to-do lists and still had on my desk. It was called "Fashion" and featured creations from the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  I should have tossed the calendar long ago, but I couldn't; it's been fun to peruse.   But now the time has come. Before I do, I'd share some of the great designs.  These are a few of the pieces I imagine I would have liked to have worn if I'd been around when they were designed.  Heck, I'd wear these today.

Ensemble, Vera Maxwell, c. 1958

Evening Ensemble, Elsa Schiaparelli, 1939
(Don't you just love that quote?)

Evening Dress, Coco Chanel, 1926-27

Evening Ensemble, Gilbert Adrian, 1945
Tune in tomorrow for more....


Norma Schlager said…
Ah, yes! Good fashion is timeless.