Christmas Tunes

The day after Thanksgiving, I pull out my collection of Christmas music and pile them next to the CD player.   I like to pick something from the stack that suits my mood or the task at hand. I need peppy music when I'm addressing cards but quieter music when I doing the dishes.  Sometimes I just want to dance.  Sometimes I feel nostalgic and want something that will conjure up memories. Here are some of my favorites; do you have any of them, too?

Any favorites you'd like to suggest to augment my collection?


Heather Pregger said…
I love your choices! One of my favorites is Vince Guaraldi's soundtrack from a Charlie Brown Christmas. And the Bing Crosby Christmas Album takes me right back to my childhood.
Norma Schlager said…
One of my favorites was Harry Belafonte's, "Mary's Boy Child. I don't remember the name of the album, but that song was always special to me. I think it was on an old 33 record and I haven't heard it in ages.
Anonymous said…
Johnny Mathis and Jewel
Vivien Zepf said…
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll have to go shopping... :)