I think today is a good day for thoughtful reflection on last year and the year to come. How did I stack up against my art goals and what would I like to challenge myself with for the coming year? Let's start with a review of last year's goals:
1) Continue with weekly journals: Oops; this one completely fell by the wayside after about five weeks. Ouch!
2) Create 10 new pieces: I met this goal, though I wish I had ended up with more artwork I could exhibit. I swapped a lot of what I made and I didn't work too carefully in the few journal quilts I did make. Hmmm....
3) Learn to use PhotoShop: I get a C on this one. I've fiddled with the program, but didn't do any coursework or take classes so I haven't achieved any sort of proficiency.
4) Participate in SDA and/or SAQA exhibits: Bingo! I'm so glad I was in the SAQA NY trunk show and the SAQA 20th anniversary "Meet the Artist" exhibit. Our local SAQA "Fiber + Thread = Art" exhibit was a great hit as well.
5) Find other exhibit opportunities, whether through shows or participation in an exhibit group: I think I met this one, too. Two highlights include getting my piece published in Quilting Arts Magazine for the "Rock On!" challenge and becoming a member of Textile Abstractions.
6) Have FUN: Yep, that's a solid yes!
I was supposed to achieve all this with the word "discipline" as my rallying cry. I'd say I left a bit to be desired on that front. If I'd been more disciplined, I might have gotten more journal quilts done and finished more pieces. But I'm not disappointed in my year. I can't believe I was published! I got the terrific news that I'll have a piece in the upcoming "500 Art Quilts" book. I exhibited more than I ever have. I went to more art exhibits than ever and was thrilled to meet Paula Nadelstern at her exhibit. (Did I ever tell you that my review of her exhibit made it's way to her via the museum? They liked what they read and forwarded it to Paula. How cool is that?) Anyway......
Enough about last year... now, on to my thoughts for this year. I think I'd still like to have a "word" to inspire me throughout the year. And though it may seem silly, I've chosen the word "CREATE". Here are my goals to help you understand why I chose this:
No, I'm not trying to be snide. Instead, what I'm trying to do is to encourage myself to create. I don't want to decide now what types of things I "should" make for this year, I just want to be sure I do. Of course, this will include making art to meet commitments, but beyond that, it's a blank page. For example, no journal quilts unless the spirit moves me.
No, I'm not a master physicist with a new time travel gadget. Instead I want to make time to do the following things I believe will be important to my emotional and physical well being:
* make time for family and friends -- they're invaluable;
* make time for exercise -- let's face it, ours is a sedentary pursuit and my wardrobe cannot keep expanding in time with my waist!
* make time for learning -- I feel a palpable need to keep finding out more about art in general and art quilting;
* make time for other interests and pursuits -- photography and reading are just two things that I absolutely love and know I can't live without.
Yep, there I go again, sounding all Albert Einstein-ish. What I'm trying to say is that I need to organize my space better so I can do more. I need to use up more of my commercial fabric stash (there's a creativity challenge in there I'm sure!) I need to go through all the magazines I'm hoarding so I have room for my feet under the table. I need to free up some shelf space so I can buy more fabric paint. I need to rearrange the room so I can include items from other pursuits, like my drawing supplies. I'm sure you get the general idea.
There's no doubt I'm deadline-driven; I seem to work best (or is it prioritize better?) when the clock is ticking. Last year, I tried to motivate myself by keeping a list next to my sewing machine of all the events I wanted to participate in for the year. Looking back, I don't think it was as effective as I needed it to be. So this year, I'm going to make goals by month with notes about things I need to keep in mind for the upcoming weeks. I don't want to look at all the things looming on the horizon. I think it was too much for me. We'll see.
Whew; that's it! Now, off to do a little organizing. I still have time tonight to go through a few magazines, pull out what I'd like to keep and recycle the balance. See, I already have folders to put stuff in! Someday I'd like to have binders, but I didn't have supplies on hand, so this will do for now. At least I'm getting started!