Testing New Waters

Today I embarked on an adventure: life drawing class in charcoal. This is a first for me. Everyone else in the class has some experience, but all were very welcoming to me and generous with their support. The teacher was kind enough to say "Oh, I'm so glad! You're my favorite kind of student; you're going to see the greatest improvement!" Isn't that the nicest thing to say to welcome a complete neophyte?

At any rate, I was very unprepared for the class, both in terms of the supplies (I just signed up yesterday and didn't have anything!) and expectation. I didn't have a clue about what was going to happen. Here's what transpired:

We started off with five one-minute quick draws to get us going. Yech! Can you even tell that's a girl? I think not, unless you squint.

Then we went to two minute quick draws. The teacher suggested that I draw basic shapes to begin with so that I could get proportions right and ensure that I had enough room for the entire composition. (I kept losing body parts because I was drawing too big! You can see it here; I cut off the bottom of her leg.) Poor girl, now she looks like she's made from jelly beans.

Next we did some five and ten minute draws. The teacher was very encouraging though I think her profile -- as I drew it -- makes the model look old and she most definitely was not.

Alas, I had to leave an hour into the three hour class because my youngest is sick, so I did one last drawing for fifteen minutes, while the rest of the class planned to work for an hour. I'm pleased with the results of this and encouraged to continue the class. It's very helpful to know that, as per our teacher's preference, it's okay that lines aren't crisp nor the paper pristine. She welcomes seeing the beginning marks we make on the page. Now I can't wait to get my supplies, although the teacher did suggest I get the largest size pad of paper available (24" x 36") to accommodate my propensity to draw things too big! I'm also looking forward to a shoulder massage. I had no clue that I'd get sore.


Norma Schlager said…
Look at the progress you made in one hour! Your last sketch is terrific.
Benedicte said…
Good for you, Vivien! You are an adventurous soul! I am impressed to see how much you improved in a small amount of time. Bravo! Very inspiring!
Hope your little one gets better!
you did awesome! wait till you see what you can do in a few weeks!
Beena said…
Hope your youngest gets well soon!
And I am looking forward to hearing more about your class, and seeing more of your wonderful results! Enjoy yourself!!!!
Vivien Zepf said…
Thank you for all the kind words and support! What an adventure this is going to be!!!
jane dávila said…
Fantastic! I'm so excited for you - I think everyone should do this.
Unknown said…
Brava! Well done...being a mom certainly can impinge on our artistic growth as well as feed it at the same time, can't it?

Hope health returns quickly...ill health is getting really old here...

Lisa Q.