I'm taking a break from my vacation picture postings to share a little project with you. Today, I built a bundle for IBOL. What's that? Well, IBOL stands for Iraqi Bundles of Love, a goodwill project created by Kirstin LaFlamme and her husband, who is currently deployed in Iraq. All you need to do to participate is create a bundle that's filled with fabric, sewing, and/or knitting supplies, ship it in a large fixed rate priority mail box before September 7th to a specified APO address, and Kristin's husband will ensure that the supplies are distributed among the needy in Iraq. Here's a picture of my bundle, ready to be sealed and shipped.

I'm happy to give my fabrics, that have been languishing in bins, to someone who will be thrilled to use them. I'm happy to send off yarn that I thought I could use five years ago, but never have. I'm happy to diminish my stash by sending my fabrics off where they might, just might, generate a bit of good will. I'm happy to possibly make a positive difference in someone's life. If you'd like to participate, you'll find all the important details here.


Judy Alexander said…
What a great project and you are so generous to share your stash.
Norma Schlager said…
I sent off two bundles, one of them containing fabric given me by a friend and one from my stash. But I must say that yours looks much prettier with your matching ribbon. I used twine!
Beena said…
Just wanted to leave a comment letting you know I love your blog, and will be back for visits!
my croft said…
OMG, this is perfect. I was (and am!) determined to spend a substantial portion of the 3-day weekend cleaning up, sorting out, and redistributing. And now I have a place that needs stuff! Just in the nick of time!
Denise Aumick said…
Melanie told me about this. I need to participate. Thank you