Instead of doing her chores and taking out the trash, my daughter decided to play with it instead .... the garbage bags, I mean. She created this ensemble out of two kitchen size garbage bags. I must admit that I think it's very clever. It's also a clear indication that she's got more style than I do; I certainly never would have thought of this. I suppose I should take this as evidence I should listen to her when she says, "Maybe you want to change what you're wearing". Perhaps some day she'll make me an outfit that looks this good...

Back (with shrug):

Back (under shrug):

In another part of the house, I played with the border treatment to a piece of muslin I had used to clean my brushes, then stenciled all over. This is where I've been experimenting with spools as stencils. There's more still to do with this piece, but I thought I'd give you a quick peek.

Back (with shrug):

Back (under shrug):

In another part of the house, I played with the border treatment to a piece of muslin I had used to clean my brushes, then stenciled all over. This is where I've been experimenting with spools as stencils. There's more still to do with this piece, but I thought I'd give you a quick peek.
