Burlap is Itchy

This week I used some scraps of burlap I had left over from sewing burlap party favor sacks. Let me tell you this: I really love the look of burlap, but boy, is it itchy. It sheds like my Lab, too.

At any rate, I'm calling this "Inuit" because it reminds me of some of the folk art created by native Alaskans. (Or, perhaps I'm thinking of winter during this hot, humid summer spell!) I used upholstery fabric for the background, basic black cotton for the rectangle, and natural shells and beads as accents. I used perle cotton to attach the burlap strips and create the edge, reminiscent of the sacks I made earlier in the week. It's not a smooth finished edge, but I like the wonky look in this case. Upholstery fabric is on the back, too, without any batting in between the layers.

One tip: be sure to shake out your clothes well after working with burlap; it's worse than getting rid of stray, loose hair after a haircut!


Glad to see that you are keeping up with your journal quilts..I am impressed!!
I like this one a lot... it seems free and easy..
Vivien Zepf said…
Thanks for your continued comments and support on my blog!