Garden Joy

I have the time now, to sit and appreciate the wonders of my garden.  Almost every morning I'm spending 30-40 minutes, weeding and admiring these plants that bring color and lift my spirits.  And, of course, I'm taking a ridiculous number of pictures along the way.  Here are a few of my recent favorites.

Most morning I discover tiny droplets of dew ornamenting the fritillaries.
I'm falling in love with the aguja I planted last year.  That deep
purple is so striking and I love the fuzzy buds.
My trillium never disappoint.  This is the first year that they may have spread
their wings to take roost in other parts of my shade garden.  I sure hope so.
After a weed attack, it didn't seem that my CandyStripe phlox had survived.
But I cleared the area and it has rewarded me with its cheerful blossoms.  My
goal is to have the soil at the base of my rock garden secured by a bed of creeping
phlox.  I think it would be charming.  
