Campus Art Museums

I recently visited my daughter for Jr. Parents' Weekend.  My husband and I had some down time while our daughter studied, so we walked around campus for a bit of exercise and fresh air.

We also stopped at the Snite Museum.  I've come to learn that campus museums are often well worth the visit.  We didn't have enough time to see all the exhibitions, but the ones we did see were well worth it. Here's just a sample of what we saw.

From Divine Illusion: Statue Paintings from Colonial South America.  The  intent of the exhibition was to show examples of how sculpted images of the Virgin Mary were frequent subjects of paintings in 18th century. The exhibition focused on works originating out of the Viceroyalty of Peru that, at the time, encompasses much of Andean South America.

Unidentified artist
Peruvian or Bolivian School
Our Lady of the Rosary of Pomata, 1669
Oil on canvas
Sometime in the late 1500s, Dominican friars carried a statue of the
Virgin to Pomata.  This is the earliest known painting of that statues

Unidentified artist
Our Lady of Loreto with Donors, 17th-18th century
Oil on canvas
The painter's use of brown pigment in rendering the faces evokes
the appearance of its sculptural prototype  in Loreto, Italy.  Kneeling
on either side of the altar are the patrons who commissioned this canvas
to memorialize their devotion.  Future research on the coat of arms on the altar
frontal may reveal their identities.
From Dimensions of Power: African Art .  As described on the website, "In the past, African art was often tied into the way African leaders promoted their agendas. Royalty and rulers used art to project their authority; religious groups promoted their faiths; while the wealthy desired to display their riches. Ordinary Africans also used art to enable them to wield their own forms of power. Since supernatural forces were thought to play a large role in determining events, it was important to own objects that could withstand or shape events that lay beyond ordinary control."

These are examples of Kuba beadwork. During ceremonies and
public functions, Cuba Kings, royal title holders, and other members
of court all wore elaborate beaded attire.

Royal Mukyem Elephant Mask
Unrecorde artist from the Democratic Republic of Congo
Kuba style, mid-twentieth century
Glass beads, cowrie shells, raffia palm fiber, animal skin, wood
This mask belonged to a sacred Kuba king and was worn in important
royal court performances.  The mask represents Woot, the primordial ancestor
and first sacred king of the Kuba people.
Vodou beaded banner of Agoue Royo
Clotaire Bazille
Haiti, 1975-1985
Seqins and beads on burlap interior, satin backed
Agoue Royo is king of the ocean and protector of ships on the sea; he is
represented by images from the sea.  Rituals for Agoue always feature
a boat, seen on this flag as an old European steamship.
