Studio Update

Here's what's been going on in my studio:

1) I continue to write blog posts for the Katonah Museum of Art about their current exhibitions.  This week's post is about soap.   Curious? Check it out here.  

2)  I'm playing with selections from my stack of vintage blocks again.  I'm impressed that so many of them survive the washing machine and dryer, but they're a bear to iron when they emerge all wrinkly and (even more) wonky.

3)  I have a new piece hanging at the Mahopac Library Gallery as part of FANE's "We've Been Framed!" exhibition.  Each artist was tasked with finding a frame no larger than 18" wide, painting it a specific blue, and creating a piece to hang within the frame, leaving space around the edges.  I decided to piece an entire artwork with painted paper towels.  One lesson learned: all paper towels are NOT created equal.  The ply's of one private label budget brand came apart as I tried to paint the sheets.  I guess that's a good indicator that they wouldn't work well for clean ups, either.

My piece is Untitled for the show because, in my pneumonia brain haze, I forgot to submit the title information in time.  However, let me introduce you here to Splat!.  It's made with paper towels, and stitched and quilted with cotton thread.  It's shown here hanging -- not too professionally, with my apologies about the lighting -- within the frame.

Splat!, 9.5" x 12.5", © Vivien Zepf, 2015

4)  When I haven't been creating art, I've been admiring Mother Nature's handiwork.  Spring has just been gorgeous!

5)  And today is a special day: my 25th anniversary!  The years have gone by in a flash.  I'm a lucky girl.


Kristin L said…
Splat! is a hoot! And I guess one would use paper towels (though not your painted and quilted ones) to clean up all manner of splats! Fun.
Cindy Green said…
Hope you are feeling better! My daughters loved your piece - I will tell them what your title is! We wondered if you used paper towels. I just posted other pics from the MPL show on my blog so stop by to see more... Also, the show comes down on the 1st (not the 5th). Congrats on your anniversary!