The Definition of Insanity

You all know it: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

But is that madness or stick-to-it-tiveness?

Certainly, as it applies to my attempts to play golf, it's just madness both.  My husband, God bless his soul, loves golf and wants me to learn so we can play together.  I'm trying.

But the reality is that I'm hitting the ball quite often, each time expecting that it will go where I want it to go.  It doesn't.  Still, I keep trying.

Am I insane?

My golf partner, caddy, and I before we started to play in a September 11th charity golf event.
We tried.
We finished in last place.
We plan to try again next year.


Norma Schlager said…
Good for you for trying and you sure look cute in your golf clothes. As long as you're having fun, that's all that matters.