The Start of 2009

Last year I decided not to make resolutions, but to set goals. I set only one artistic goal for myself: to create weekly journals. This year, I've decided not only to set goals, but also to follow the suggestion of artists such as Lisa Call to identify a word that will define the upcoming year. I've chosen "discipline". Discipline will help me not only in my art, but in my regular life (I sure need a dose of discipline to say "no" to cookies, that's for sure!). If I keep this word in mind, I'll develop some good habits about making time to do the essentials, from exercising regularly to creating art. If I'm disciplined about attending to my tasks, whether running errands or making a new piece, I'll hopefully get more done.

So, with my rallying cry of "Discipline" in mind, I've set the following art-related goals for myself:

1) I will continue with my weekly journals. This year, I will use the journals very specifically to practice a technique or to work through a problem. I won't worry so much about making each one a stand-alone composition. They will function more as "rough-drafts" for other, larger pieces. I will limit the amount of time I spend on each journal to make sure I allow for other creative work to be done. I'll target making each one 8" x 8", but I'll be flexible if my practice is better served with a different size. I can practice a technique for more than one week.

2) I will complete at least 10 new pieces this year that are not journals. Some may be specifically in response to challenges or calls for entries ... and that's okay. The point is that they will be completed. They may not all be exhibit worthy, but I sure hope they are.

3) I will learn to use PhotoShop, either with a course or through a self-directed tutorial. I may use my altered photos in my journals for practice and, maybe, in a larger piece.

4) I will take advantage of exhibit opportunities available through organizations such as SAQA and SDA.

5) I will search for other exhibit opportunities, whether through submission to juried shows or by becoming part of a quilting or mixed media group outside of SAQA or SDA.

6) I WILL HAVE FUN. That means I'll free myself to make mistakes and allow myself to be spontaneous in my creative process. It means I'll take a bit of pride in what I create, but I'll put things in perspective if something doesn't work out. I will feel the joy of creating and remember it, even when I'm basting or doing some other such personally distasteful task. :)

What do you think?


sounds like a good plan! i am so glad you'll be continuing with the journals and i look forward to seeing your goals come to fruition...
Vivien Zepf said…
Thanks for the support, Natalya!
Elizabeth Rosenberg said…
Hi Vivien,
I think your goals are fantastic, especially the one to HAVE FUN! It's so important, and so easy to forget while we're struggling to make our art. I'm with you on it . . . let's have FUN this year!!!!
Love, E
Susan Schrott, Artist said…
Vivien are right on task and target. All fantastic and personally meaningful goals. Knowing you, you will be successful indeed! Happy New Year.
Vivien Zepf said…
Thanks for supporting me on all this! I'm going to be looking to you all to give the kick in the butt I'm sure I'll need on occasion!
jane dávila said…
You picked such an excellent word! Can't wait to see how your journals develop this year.
Norma Schlager said…
Admirable goals and an excellent word! You were so good last year with doing your journals, I'm anxious to see what you will come up with this year. Great things for sure.