Seed Frenzy

Peas standing tall
When the self-quarantine orders were issued, gardening centers were stripped bare like never before.  There wasn't a vegetable plant to be found.

Selfishly, I was a bit miffed.  I had been all excited to start my cold weather plantings; it's what I do every April and my plans were stymied.  So I turned to seeds.  I couldn't remember the last time I started my plants indoors in part because I never had great success. Not much fun in that.

However, this year my little window garden is a joy. Of course I'm not thankful for the crisis, but I am thankful for being forced to do things a little differently.  After this experience I may very well start every spring season by the kitchen window, start every day with a visit to the little black cells just to find out which plant has grown a second set of leaves.  There's a great deal of hope in a seed.

Squash, already sprawling about
A tangle of turnip tops
