A few weekends ago I went into New York City with girlfriends. We found ourselves with a little extra time at MOMA (The Museum of Modern Art) and we wandered the galleries without any specific agenda. It was wonderful. I had forgotten how much gorgeous art is housed in MOMA. I'd like to share a few of my favorites, though the iPhone doesn't do the artwork justice:
Pablo Picasso, Girl before a Mirror, Boisegeloup, 1932 -- on wall
Pablo Picasso, Head of a Woman, Boisegeloup, 1932 -- sculpture
(these just make me smile; what was Picasso like as a dinner guest, I wonder?) |
Paul Cezanne, Still Life with Apples, 1895-98
(love how the scene fades to white in the upper left)
Mark Rothko, No. 3/No. 13, 1949
(this positively glows -- I had no idea)
Jasper Johns, detail of Flag, 1954-55
(the depth of brushstrokes is gorgeous)
Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night, Saint Remy, June 1889
(luscious, luscious, luscious)
Gustav Klimt, The Park, 1910 or earlier
(I just love all the colors of the foliage)
Claude Monet, Agapanthus, 1914-26
(there's a wildness here that I'm so attracted to)
Paul Gauguin, Still Life with Three Puppies, 1888
(I hadn't seen this before, but I love it)
And there you have it, a mini-MOMA masterpiece tour.