Trial and Error

There's been a lot of trial and error in my studio these last two weeks.  Lots and lots of errors.  Some weren't even exciting mistakes.  For example, it took me three tries to paint the canvas for a new small piece I made. I just couldn't get the color right.   I don't know why it was so hard to do, but it was.

But I worked through it.   Now I have a new piece for my small work series available through Galleribba:

I also started on a new direction on my piece for our upcoming Fiber Art Northeast (FANE) exhibition.  All the pieces were to reference poetry as inspiration and I had something wonderful to use, one I've used before:  "Delicious autumn!  My very soul is wedded to it!" (George Eliot)  Somehow though, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my piece to work.

So I scrapped what I was doing and began anew, this time using poetry by Francis Thompson as my starting point:
                          Summer set lip to earth's bosom bare, 
                         And left the flush'd print in a poppy there

Now I have some flowers that are going to be elements in my new piece, scheduled to be part of the FANE exhibition next month.

Yes, I must keep on working....


Kristin L said…
Yeah, sometimes you just have to throw up your hands and say Uncle. Looks like the poppies will reward you though. :-)
Judy Alexander said…
Love your flowers! I am finally back to blogging. Glad to see you are progressing in the artistic world!
Art Gallery said…
Good Post and the flower looks Good too me. ~ Carolina
Norma Schlager said…
I like the poppies. Great colors! I assume they are layered. Will we see them Thursday night?