
I've been fortunate throughout my life to experience kindness in many forms.  There have been life-saving moments:  strangers came to my aid when I was being attacked by a crazy NYC cab driver wielding a tire iron.  There have been moments of kindness that came when I needed emotional help: moms pulled their daughters out of school to decorate Morgan's room while she was in surgery, to give her a boost, and to let her know they were thinking of her.

And then there have been unexpected moments that simply came about because of someone's generosity:  I received such a surprise yesterday.

You may recall my post about how being lazy and undisciplined has affected my studio practice.  (You can read it here if you missed it.)  Marti Lew read the post and figured I might like to have a piece of art to hang in my studio that would make me smile.  She's recently been exploring hand stitching and had this piece already in the works when she read my blog.  She added the "L" and "U" (for Lazy and Undisciplined) in spots throughout the piece -- as symbols of her solidarity with my plight -- and then sent it my way.

Isn't that kind?

"L & U"
Detail of "L & U"
Detail of "L & U"

Moments like these reassure me that our world is filled with generosity and kindness.   I am reminded to think of others and to reach out, in any way that I can.  I am reminded to consciously do a good deed every day, simply for the joy it will bring someone else.


Marti said…
Vivien! Thank you for your commentary and as my purpose was to make you smile I can say, "Goal Accomplished"! I have always admired your work and will continue to view your progress.
Unknown said…
Wow! What a great gift to someone who deserves a whole bunch more....

And I gotta say, tire iron? OHHHH momma!
Karen L R said…
thank you for sharing this sweet story. life is all about making connections and hope and grace. i love that we can do these things for one another...even via the internet!
Norma Schlager said…
What a lovely thing for her to do! I'm sure that you do more than your share of "random acts of kindness"

I'd sure like to hear more about your taxi driver/tire iron story. Yikes! Was it in the USA?