A Review
It's almost the end of the first quarter of 2009 and I think I need to take stock of how my year is stacking up against my goals. Am I on target? Am I way off? Should I readjust and/or re-evaluate anything? Considering it's my 100th (!) post, this seems an appropriate thing to do.
GOAL 1: Create weekly journals, practicing various techniques
I've dropped the ball on this one. I've only created five weekly journals, all in the beginning of the year. I haven't made one in over a month. Not surprisingly, I think I need to fine-tune this goal. Why haven't I been successful? Well, I've been creating work in response to exhibit opportunities and, given my time constraints, that's pushed journals to the side. I also think I'm too scattered in my approach. I wanted to work on technique, but that was too broad a goal. I think I need to take a cue from Jeanne Williamson and select one technique to work on. I'm not sure what that will be, but I'm going to give it some thought and get back to you.
GOAL 2: Create at least 10 new pieces
I'm happy with my progress on this goal. Thus far I've created six pieces I've put "out there", for exhibits and challenges / contests. For me, that's a real improvement. These are all pieces that were exhibit-worthy, though I do have my favorites. Now, I think that part of the reason I've made these pieces is that so many deadlines were scheduled for the start of the year. I hope I can keep the pace when the deadlines are past.
GOAL 3: Learn PhotoShop
My first step towards this goal was to purchase Gloria Hansen's book, Digital Essentials. I have it next to my computer as a reference when I have a spot of trouble. Ideally, I'd like to start at the beginning and go through it page by page. Perhaps this summer....
GOAL 4: Exhibit with groups such as SDA and SAQA
I missed my chance to participate in the SDA member exhibit; I couldn't pull something together in time. However, I am pleased that I'm part of the SAQA NY trunk show and in Collection A of the SAQA@20 "Meet the Artists" show. I'm hoping I can create something to be considered for "Fibrations" as well. I think I'm on target here.
GOAL 5: Try to find other exhibit opportunities
To help me meet this goal, I've created a calendar with calls for entry that interest me. I keep a copy by my computer and another in my studio. I'm keeping track of juried and non-juried opportunities. Having this right beside me is helping me stay on task. I've already entered more challenges, contests, and shows that I did all of last year. I'm getting better at pulling out calls for entry and deciding what's for me and what's not. Now I just have to create more work!
GOAL 6: Have fun
Sometimes I feel a bit harried to meet a self-imposed deadline (I do still seem to be very deadline driven), but I am having such a good time! So much so that I'm considering stepping back from some of my volunteer activities to devote more time to my art. I'm making a conscious effort to go out and see more art exhibits, to appreciate and learn from what others have created. I've joined Facebook and Twitter and I'm having fun reading about what other fiber artists are up to. It's sort of like having mini-chats over coffee and that suits my social nature. And, I'm happy with what I've made. I'm gaining a bit more confidence, though I'm ALWAYS up for a critique of my work, and that helps things flow a bit more. Are you having fun? I hope so!
I am inspired! Look how you have grown in the last few years. Your goals are impressive in that they reflect your personal growth as an artist and committment to your creative life. I am so happy for you. By the way, I have Gloria's book too. Perhaps we can go through it together on a regular basis..it is a bit overwhelming for me :)