Second in a series

I found some time yesterday to create a new piece. I wanted to try out the Extravorganza I had recently purchased. I used a photo of Queen Anne's lace I took this summer and manipulated it in Microsoft Word. (I don't have PhotoShop, but I can imagine how fun it must be to use.) I thought the photograph looked really exciting with the contrast level set to high.

I printed the picture out on Extravorganza and chose a pink fabric to mount it on. It looked a bit plain, so I thought I'd add a dash or two of red paint to complement the red that emerged in the manipulated picture. A few splashes of color looked silly so I went to town, dotting the fabric with paint using a toothpick.

I was undecided about whether or not to bind this piece. I think it would have looked nice with just a scalloped edge. However, I do like the way this binding looks as well. Surprisingly, this binding is the reverse side of a piece of fabric and I think it is a good match because of its more muted colors.

As I worked on this piece, I thought it could become the second in my Flowers on Pink series. I've decided that each piece needs to be 8 x 10 (regardless of orientation) with flowers as the focal point and pink somewhere in the background. We'll see if these loose "rules" will be enough to hold a collection of pieces together as a cohesive group. This new piece is called "Flowers on Pink #2 - Queen Anne at Dusk".


I really like this one a lot. can't wait to see it in real life. great ideas here, looking forward to the whole series!
Vivien Zepf said…
Thanks, Natalya; I hope I can keep the ideas coming.
Vivien Zepf said…
Thanks, Natalya; I hope I can keep the ideas coming.
Anonymous said…
It's not so much the "rules" that hold a series together as it is the underlying cohesion provided by the artist's esthetic.

This is lovely. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
Vivien Zepf said…
Thanks, Cate. And you're absolutely right...the success of the series will be dependant on how all the pieces look together. My "rules" will hopefully guide me in my creative decision-making; I'm concerned I'd be too scattered without them and have no hope at all!