Second in a series

I found some time yesterday to create a new piece. I wanted to try out the Extravorganza I had recently purchased. I used a photo of Queen Anne's lace I took this summer and manipulated it in Microsoft Word. (I don't have PhotoShop, but I can imagine how fun it must be to use.) I thought the photograph looked really exciting with the contrast level set to high.
I printed the picture out on Extravorganza and chose a pink fabric to mount it on. It looked a bit plain, so I thought I'd add a dash or two of red paint to complement the red that emerged in the manipulated picture. A few splashes of color looked silly so I went to town, dotting the fabric with paint using a toothpick.
I was undecided about whether or not to bind this piece. I think it would have looked nice with just a scalloped edge. However, I do like the way this binding looks as well. Surprisingly, this binding is the reverse side of a piece of fabric and I think it is a good match because of its more muted colors.
As I worked on this piece, I thought it could become the second in my Flowers on Pink series. I've decided that each piece needs to be 8 x 10 (regardless of orientation) with flowers as the focal point and pink somewhere in the background. We'll see if these loose "rules" will be enough to hold a collection of pieces together as a cohesive group. This new piece is called "Flowers on Pink #2 - Queen Anne at Dusk".
This is lovely. I'm looking forward to seeing more.